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Visiting EcO2 Controlled Atmosphere Chambers during the 2019 Coresta Infestation Control Conference

The annual Infestation Control Conference (ICC) for tobacco was held in Manila this year by the CORESTA Pest and Sanitation Management in Stored Tobacco (PSMST) Sub-Group.

The conference in October brought together tobacco suppliers, manufacturers, and fumigation companies from all over the globe to engage in the 2-day event. The conference included in-depth sessions on insect biology, sanitation, fumigation practices, and an off-site to see the different pest control methods in practice. At the client site, EcO2 controlled atmosphere and freezing chambers were on display for conference attendees to see and explore these alternative fumigation methods.

“CORESTA (Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco) is an association founded in 1956, ruled by French law, the purpose being to promote international cooperation in scientific research relative to tobacco and its derived products.”

To learn more about CORESTA visit CORESTA.

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