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Pest type: Secondary pest.
Distribution: Worldwide.
Identification: Adults are 3 mm, dark brown to dark grey, highly flattened, and parallel-sided. The thorax has three longitudinal ridges, and the side of thorax has six tooth-like projections. The length of the head behind the eye is longer with the O.surinamensis than the O.mercator. Larvae: capodeiform. O. mercator larvae have a yellowish-white color
Similar species: Ahasverus, Cathartus.
Life cycle: Adult females lay 300-400 eggs. The larvae develop most rapidly at 20 to 35 º C during the larval stage, and 3 or 4 molts occur. At 20 º C the entire lifecycle is 3-4 months.
Commodities infested: The mercant grain beetles have a preference for oil products such as nuts but are also found in cereals. The grain or nuts are eaten on and out, also the presence of the mercant grain beetle indicates the presence of grain weevils and other primary pests, such as the Rice flour beetle. Strongly-affected goods are unsuitable for processing into products for human consumption. With their sleek and slim bodies, these beetles are good at hiding in cracks, seams and between the products themselves.
Preventive measures include: cleaning and keeping production dry; relative humidity in storage needs to be maintained between 40% and 60%.
reatment: Controlled Atmosphere for infestation in the product
Treatment: Heat Treatment for infestation in Building
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